Vasilii Kaliteevskii

/images/ESRs photos/ESR9.png     Conceptual design of products and technologies based    on nano-elements

     Lappeenranta University of Technology

My research will be mainly devoted to study inventive design approaches and practice to apply it to real emerging issues in developing of products and technologies based on nano-elements. It’s aimed to develop cross-cutting design methodologies for the optimisation of nanoscale fabrication processes and device concepts. This will include the adaptation of innovative design techniques, such as the Theory for Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), and development of new design methodologies specific to the nanotechnology area. Good knowledge of inventive design techniques should help other consortium researchers to invent new ideas and improve their own research from the perspective of applying new research methods and obtaining new scientific results requiring demonstration of the skills of the inventor. Carrying out of such research should occur in coupling with colleagues studies to highlight the practical importance of this technique and at the same time improve other consortium investigations.

Another part of my research – mathematical modelling of the nanowires growths of local gas-phase epitaxy (LGPE) through a mask in the boundary layer under substrate, which is an effective method for obtaining different semiconductor device structures. The development of the local epitaxy technique with applying to it different innovative methods of research should pave the way to new approaches in monolithic integration semiconductor devices. The process of GPE is depicted in Fig.1. 

 /images/ESRs project pics/ESR9 Fig 1.png

Fig.1 Modelling of the diffusion of growth precursors (concentration    distribution) in boundary layer under masked surface. In this example the mask on the surface occupies 9/10 of the entire substrate.

Besides gas-phase epitaxy, the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) method is under research which is an epitaxy method for thin-film deposition of single crystals. MBE is considered as one of the fundamental tools  for the development of nanotechnologies.

The combination of these two activities should play a role for other researchers of the consortium through the sharing of the developed design techniques for their research, lead to opening of new developed methods of heuristic design and to the achievement of results in the development and optimization of the production of semiconductor nanowires.